شكوى للمحكمة الجنائية الدولية...من المحامى دكتور ..احمد الجيلى..

*المحامي د احمد الجيلي يرفع شكوى موثقة لمحكمة العدل الدولية*.

تقديم طلب رسمي للمحكمة الجنائية الدولية - مكتب المدعي العام للتحقيق في المجزرة ‏التي ارتكبت 3 يونيو ‏عام 2019 ‏الخرطوم. ‏وإصدار أمر بالقبض علي البرهان وحميدتي وجميع أعضاء والمجلس العسكري وقادة الدعم السريع

نطلب بموجب هذا من المدعي
العام التحقيق في أوامر الاعتقال ومحاكمة الأفراد التالية أسماؤهم ("الأفراد المتهمون") والسعي للحصول عليها فيما بعد:

1. الفريق محمد حمدان دجالو (الملقب بـ "Hemeti") ، بصفته قائداً لقوات الدعم السريع ونائب رئيس المجلس العسكري الانتقالي (TMC) فيما يتعلق بالجرائم المستمرة وكذلك بصفته سابقًا زعيم الجنجويد فيما يتعلق بالجرائم السابقة الخاضعة للتحقيق في حالة دارفور ("جرائم دارفور") ؛

2. الفريق عبد الفتاح البرهان ("البرهان") ، بصفته رئيسًا لمركز TMC فيما يتعلق بالجرائم المستمرة وبصفته المختلفة كزعيم سابق للمخابرات والعسكرية ومنسق أنشطة الجنجويد في دارفور فيما يتعلق بجرائم دارفور ؛

3. جميع الأعضاء الآخرين في TMC اعتبارًا من 3 يونيو 2019 فيما يتعلق بالجرائم المستمرة ؛

4. جميع قادة قوات الدعم السريع وأية وحدات أمنية أو عسكرية أخرى متورطة في الجرائم الجارية ؛ و

5. يتم تحديد أفراد من قوات الدعم السريع وأية وحدات أمنية أو عسكرية أخرى تحملوا الجرائم الجارية أو يحملونها.

النص الكامل للموضوع بالإنجليزية أدناه:

Ahmed T. el-Gaili
Juris Doctor, licensed to practice in the State of New York

Press Release:

ICC Receives Request to Investigate Crimes Against Humanity in Sudan
June 10, 2019. A formal request was submitted today to the Office of the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court (“ICC”) to investigate apparent crimes against humanity occurring in Sudan. The crimes have been occurring since June 3, 2019 when the Janjaweed- backed Rapid Support Forces (“RSF”) attacked and brutally murdered hundreds of civilians in the sit-in area next to the military headquarters in Khartoum, Sudan before proceeding to occupy the entire Greater Khartoum area and other major cities and to launch a sustained campaign of murder, rape, abductions and degrading and inhumane treatment of citizens which continues to date (the “Ongoing Crimes”).
The request specifically documents the occurrence of the following crimes against humanity within the meaning of Article 7 of the Rome Statute:

1. *Murder*
 At least 113 civilians fatalities confirmed, including at least 40 bodies found in
shallow areas of the Nile. One eyewitness reported that as many as 500
civilians were killed.
 While most victims died of bullet wounds, some were burnt alive in their
tents, while others were stabbed to death, beaten to death or hacked to death
with machetes.
 Dozens further killed in various locations in subsequent days, including in Dilij, Darfur, the site of prior Janjaweed atrocities.
 At least 723 were injured.

2. *Rape*
 Widespread rape attacks by the RSF targeting at least 48 women and 6 men.
 One eyewitness reported that all the female doctors and medical staff at the central tent and possibly most women protesters in the sit-in area were raped.

*Imprisonment and enforced disappearances*
 At least 650 civilians arrested in the sit-in area and elsewhere.
 Arrest and subsequent forced deportation of opposition leaders.
 Arrests of many civil servants for answering the call for civil disobedience.

4. *Other inhumane acts*
 Urinating on detained civilians, forcing detainees to drink sewage water, and
shaving the hair of many detainees.
 Firing teargas at worshippers in mosques celebrating Eid.
 Beating medical professional in hospitals and shutting down hospitals and
blocking supplies to others.
 Unprovoked beatings with whips, including of women and elderly men.
Given the ongoing internet blackout, the full scale of the Ongoing Crimes is likely to be significantly worse. Supplemental filings will be made as additional information becomes available.
The filing requests the Prosecutor to investigate and subsequently seek the issuance of arrest warrants and the trial of the following accused individuals:

1. *General Mohamed Hamdan Dagalo (a.k.a. “Hemeti”)*, in his capacity as Commander of the RSF and Vice President of the Transitional Military Council (the “TMC”) in connection with the Ongoing Crimes as well as in his capacity as a former leader of the Janjaweed in connection with prior crimes subject to the Darfur Situation investigation (the “Darfur Crimes”);

2. *General Abdel Fattah Al-Burhan* (“Al-Burhan”), in his capacity as the President of the TMC in connection with the Ongoing Crimes and in his various capacities as a former intelligence and military leader and coordinator of Janjaweed activities in Darfur in connection with the Darfur Crimes;

3. *All other members of the TMC as of June 3* in connection with the Ongoing Crimes;

4. *All commanders of the RSF and any other security or military units* involved in the
Ongoing Crimes; and

5. To be identified individual members of the RSF and any other security or military
units who carried or are carrying the Ongoing Crimes.
The request relies on the ICC’s existing jurisdiction pursuant to the Security Council
referral of the Darfur Situation on the basis of the complete unity of perpetrators, the Janjaweed, Hemeti and Al-Burhan. The mere fact that the Janjaweed have rebranded as the RSF and have crossed from Darfur to Khartoum does not fundamentally alter the mandate of the Security Council. Additionally, given the significant involvement of Chadian and other State Party nationals within the RSF, the Prosecutor has the right to exercise her discretion under Article 15 of the Rome Statute to submit a request for an investigation to the Pre-Trial Chamber. Finally, the Prosecutor is also urged to re-examine the prior Darfur Crimes committed by Hemeti and Al-Burhan.
The request urges the Court to assert its jurisdiction as there could never be a genuine investigation or prosecutions for the Ongoing crimes at the national level in Sudan so long as Al-Burhan and Hemeti are the country’s most powerful leaders. The request notes that the mere launching of an ICC examination of these atrocities will create an immediate chilling effect which may save lives that are otherwise at risk of imminent harm.

The request was submitted by Ahmed T. el-Gaili, an international lawyer and Sudanese national, in his individual capacity but it enjoys the full and explicit support of the Sudanese Professionals Association, the leading opposition group in Sudan.
دكتور احمد تحياتي ارجو ان تضم بيان الفريق كباشي اليوم في قناة السودان والقنوات الفضائية ما جاء في البيان هو اعتراف المجلس (اليوم في بيانه الذي تلاه المتحدث الرسمي الفريق كباشي
الاعترافات التي أدلي بها الفريق شمس الدين الكباشي اليوم  ممكن  تؤسس  عليها المحكمة الجنايية الدولية ICC الاتهام تحت جريمة الإبادة الجماعية ضد المجلس العسكري و كل الذين شاركوا في اتخاذ قرار فُض الاعتصام  including   رييس القضاء و النايب  العام و يكون الفريق الكباشي شاهد ملك في هذه المرحلة من الادعاء)
مع احترامي اخوك محمد ضرغام
والله ولي التوفيق


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